Alex Farhang


I’m a PhD student at Caltech advised by Professor Yisong Yue. I graduated from Cornell University where I studied neuroscience and behavior and worked with Professor Jesse Goldberg and then with Professor Evan Feinberg at UCSF.

I’m interested in understanding when neural networks generalize and modeling complex behavior, especially with application to neuroscience.


Jul 7, 2022 Our paper Investigating Generalization by Controlling Normalized Margin was accepted at ICML
May 23, 2022 I’m beginning a research internship at Epic Games with Iain Matthews

selected publications

  1. ICML
    Investigating Generalization by Controlling Normalized Margin
    Farhang, A. R., Bernstein, J., Tirumala, K., Liu, Y., and Yue, Y.
    International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2022